What to Watch on Netflix Watch Instantly: Tom Waits

Al Topich

Al Topich is a graduate of film studies at the University of Central Arkansas. When he's not logged onto Flickchart, he is either editing or directing short films. He is an avid cinephile, who has seen over 3,000 films in his short lifetime. Willing to watch anything and everything from a lame brained action flicks to art house cinema, Al has made motion pictures the biggest part of his life.

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2 Responses

  1. Proteus says:

    Oh, man. How is Big Time on NetFlix Instant, but not on DVD? I’ve been saving a spot on the shelf for it for years and years. Did Netflix secretly buy the rights or something? I’ve got to own this.

  2. Al Topich says:

    Big Time is such a fun watch. It’s chock full of interesting visuals and filled wall to wall with great music. I was surprised myself to find it on the Netflix instant. It’s a must see for any Waits fan.