10 Stars Who Would Turn 100 This Year & 10 Movies to Celebrate Them

David Conrad

David is the author of AKIRA KUROSAWA AND MODERN JAPAN. He has a Ph.D. in history from the University of Texas at Austin and loves period pieces, classics, and arthouse films. www.facebook.com/DavidConradAuthor/

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7 Responses

  1. Jandy Hardesty says:

    What a great combination of people were born in 1915! I like that you included Wouk and Miller, though I wasn’t originally expecting to see writers – makes it a nicely well-rounded list. Interesting film choice for Ingrid Bergman, but I liked your rationale. I don’t think I could’ve resisted using Notorious. :)

    • David Conrad says:

      I feel I really lucked out with this crop, with several people whom I have a lot of fondness for. I hadn’t heard of Alice Faye, but there ended up being a lot of interesting information about her. I think I will make it an annual thing, but to avoid spoilers I’m not looking up 1916 births yet. :)

    • Jandy Hardesty says:

      Oh, Alice Faye is great. She’s a staple of Fox musicals from about 1936-1945 or so. I never thought of her looking like Jean Harlow, but I guess I can see it if I squint. :)

  2. Faye Storey says:

    Excellent, excellent, David and very interesting. Am old enough to remember them all…..

  3. Let me share a quick story, as Barbara is my great grandmother. My mom loves to tell me how “Baba” picked up the phone in jive for a month before shooting the scene so it would sound more natural coming in her voice. Whenever I share that story, people want me to watch Airplane with them because they vaguely remember the joke. I’ve seen Airplane far more many times in five years than most people see it in their lives; I’m closing in on five years hiatus now. I guess maybe it’s time to lift it!

  4. Daniel says:

    Can’t believe Barbara’s grandson found this article. How cool.